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Basic foundation for success in life


Give yourself at least 1 hour after you put the kids to sleep for night time self-care. Before you go to sleep, you will write your thoughts out about how you feel, both negative and/or positive. Keep writing until you feel better. Separately, you will end by writing down atleast 3 things that you are greatful for. They can be anything, as small as being thankful for being able to breathe without pain. After that, you will recite Ayatul Kursi and 4 kuls, blow in your right hand and pass it all over yourself (this is a very common practice.) Put your trust in Allah swt, intact recite HasbanAllahu. .. (see image) and then recite the translation, remember to listen to yourself saying it. Keep saying it's until you fall asleep.


Focus on protein, vegetables and fruits. Try to stay away from carbohydrates such as rice and bread they will make you lazy. Try to stay away from fried foods and unhealthy snacks. Start keeping an eye on salt intake and refined sugar intake. This type of food will fog your brain because it wreaks havoc in your stomach. Realize that our stomachs are our second brains. All of our stress receptors are in our stomachs. If you don't do any of this then it will be very difficult to win at life. It's like trying to drive a car with the emergency brake on.

Breathing exercises

This needs to be done after every prayer in the beginning 3 days. This is called habit stacking. It's when you stack one habit next to another this way you know that the 2nd habit will definitely be done, IA. (Obviously don't miss any prayers) if you cannot pray then do this instead of praying at the time of prayer. He was being a quiet place on a chair sitting up straight cause your eyes and breathing from your nose counting one hold it for a second and exhale through your mouth counting two then repeating, inhaling counting three holding it for a second and exhaling counting four, keep going until 10:00 and then start all over. Do this at least three times (going till 10.) Pick a color for all of your problems. It's usually red for people. Pick a color for how you want your life to be, it could be your favorite color, I recommend a beautiful green. Make sure that when you are inhaling you are thinking of the negative color and as it goes through your body and you exhale you are thinking of the green or the positive color. By doing this, psychologically you are overcoming your enemies and the problems that they are creating for you. If you can do it in your head then you can definitely do it in real life. Remember that the more you think about something the more real it will become. Focus on solving the problems, don't focus on the problems. You will always get what you focus on.


When you wake up instead of tea or coffee, you will sit and relax with a cup of only hot water. It's a myth that you need caffeine to wake up. This is just a business. What will help you wake up is anything that has a hot temperature which will change the temperature of your body. Drink it hot as you would any cup of caffeine. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Whenever you can push yourself too substitute a cup of caffeine with a cup of hot water. Caffeine is one of the four things that you can put in your body. It will give you anxiety and depression because you will be overthinking and your sleep quality is never going to be the same with caffeine as it is going to be without caffeine. I quit caffeine myself, I used to have at least three cups a day for 30 years. It has made the most amount of positive difference in my life.


Always keep your back straight, when you walk or when you sit. Bad posture will hinder your breathing. You're bad breathing will hinder your mood / feelings / emotions. These things are bad then your actions will be bad as well. .. if you want to break free of the suppression and be independent and be able to take care of yourself and your kids, then fix your posture and maintain good posture.

Physical activity

Ideally, I would say to walk at least twice a day for at least 15 minutes however I understand that in your country that may not be easy for a woman to do. Either way you need to do some cardio because it is one of the best things to fight against depression. The reason for that is very simple. It's chemical. When you exercise, your brain gives off endorphins. These are the same endorphins your brain gives off when you feel happy. Ideally if you can play a sport for at least 15 minutes twice per day that is the best however again I understand that in your country that is not easy for a woman to do. Physical activity will give you mental clarity, will make you feel happier and it will give you energy.