• To achieve your GOALS, you need..


     We can help you with this

  • To achieve your GOALS, you need..


     We can help you with this

  • To achieve your GOALS, you need..

    PLAN and FOCUS

     We can help you with this

  • To achieve your GOALS, you need..


     We can help you with this

Design Your Blueprint for Success

Goal Setter, Goal Getter: Your Success Blueprint

Empower yourself to overcome obstacles, set meaningful goals, and cultivate a mindset for success.

Adil Sheikh
Founder, Progress Partners, Transformation Coach

Enjoy. I guarantee inspiration 😊.

When I was 6 years old, I lost my best friend when I found my 7 year old brother’s lifeless body in our motel pool. Other disturbing things happened to me growing up, that should never happen to anyone. At 14 I lost my father 49, who I’d like to think tried his best, however I’d be lying to you, if I said I had any good memories with him.

In High School I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life, after I fell in love with someone who I couldn’t marry because it would not have been in alignment with my religious values. I tried my best to go to college however I chose to put food on my family’s table instead. The years passed as “loved ones” constantly took advantage of me and sabotaged my progress. (I’ve forgiven them for that.)

At 19 I was arranged for marriage. The following 24 years were the most difficult of my life. As I look back at them, I’m very grateful that I was able to completely change the trajectory of everyone involved, in the most positive of ways. I’ll be looking for my reward in the hereafter only, since that lasts forever. .. There’s absolutely nothing I would have done differently. I was constantly disappointed with life, depressed and anxious about the future. I searched for the missing pieces, leading a life of habits and lifestyle, that no one should have. Thank God, one rainy night, while asking for repentance and guidance after praying, I finally decided to file for divorce, to redefine myself, to get healthy, become happy/content and successful.

Maybe the strength came from the confidence that I had punched cancer in the face when it tried to sneak up on me, by showing up in my bladder. It should have known better. The polyp was only one, of five near death experiences that I can remember, which I had lived thru so far, before I hit 40 yrs old.

For many years now, I have successfully coached people. I helped them SET AND ACHIEVE GOALS. I finally started to take my own advice. I’ve since the extra weight, quit smoking, quit caffeine and ended up only eating 4 hr/ day. Yes. I began to eat healthier and exercise, as well as increase my water intake and fixed my sleep schedule. These things sound very easy to do however they are very difficult to do without the help of a good Transformational Coach.

I became an expert in helping people, including myself, ESTABLISH AND ALIGN HABITS, WITH GOALS, keep them FOCUSED and hold them ACCOUNTABLE. .. I finally landed my dream job, an opportunity to serve some of the neediest, vulnerable people in the world – by helping to raise millions for them, as a Regional Manager in New York City. I’m grateful for my 4 awesome, grown sons, my resilience and grateful to have my healthy mother and my values 😊.

Enough about me. .. I’ve gotten so many people such great resultsI, that I’ve founded “HabitsGoals.com” to help you find your WHY, help you get CLARITY, CERTAINTY, help you with Goal SETTING, keep you laser FOCUSED and to hold you ACCOUNTABLE.

In a nutshell, the Transformation Coach’s here, at Progress Partners, are for you. We are here to help you establish and align your DAILY HABITS with your GOALS. 🙂

Adil Sheikh - Coach

Adil Sheikh
Founder, Progress Partners, Transformation Coach

Enjoy. I guarantee inspiration 😊.

When I was 6 years old, I lost my best friend when I found my 7 year old brother’s lifeless body in our motel pool. Other disturbing things happened to me growing up, that should never happen to anyone. At 14 I lost my father 49, who I’d like to think tried his best, however I’d be lying to you, if I said I had any good memories with him.

In High School I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life, after I fell in love with someone who I couldn’t marry because it would not have been in alignment with my religious values. I tried my best to go to college however I chose to put food on my family’s table instead. The years passed as “loved ones” constantly took advantage of me and sabotaged my progress. (I’ve forgiven them for that.)

At 19 I was arranged for marriage. The following 24 years were the most difficult of my life. As I look back at them, I’m very grateful that I was able to completely change the trajectory of everyone involved, in the most positive of ways. I’ll be looking for my reward in the hereafter only, since that lasts forever. .. There’s absolutely nothing I would have done differently. I was constantly disappointed with life, depressed and anxious about the future. I searched for the missing pieces, leading a life of habits and lifestyle, that no one should have. Thank God, one rainy night, while asking for repentance and guidance after praying, I finally decided to file for divorce, to redefine myself, to get healthy, become happy/content and successful.

Maybe the strength came from the confidence that I had punched cancer in the face when it tried to sneak up on me, by showing up in my bladder. It should have known better. The polyp was only one, of five near death experiences that I can remember, which I had lived thru so far, before I hit 40 yrs old.

For many years now, I have successfully coached people. I helped them SET AND ACHIEVE GOALS. I finally started to take my own advice. I’ve since the extra weight, quit smoking, quit caffeine and ended up only eating 4 hr/ day. Yes. I began to eat healthier and exercise, as well as increase my water intake and fixed my sleep schedule. These things sound very easy to do however they are very difficult to do without the help of a good Transformational Coach.

I became an expert in helping people, including myself, ESTABLISH AND ALIGN HABITS, WITH GOALS, keep them FOCUSED and hold them ACCOUNTABLE. .. I finally landed my dream job, an opportunity to serve some of the neediest, vulnerable people in the world – by helping to raise millions for them, as a Regional Manager in New York City. I’m grateful for my 4 awesome, grown sons, my resilience and grateful to have my healthy mother and my values 😊.

Enough about me. .. I’ve gotten so many people such great resultsI, that I’ve founded “HabitsGoals.com” to help you find your WHY, help you get CLARITY, CERTAINTY, help you with Goal SETTING, keep you laser FOCUSED and to hold you ACCOUNTABLE.

In a nutshell, the Transformation Coach’s here, at Progress Partners, are for you. We are here to help you establish and align your DAILY HABITS with your GOALS. 🙂

Adil Sheikh - Coach

How We Can Help You?

We will Help You Find Your "WHY"

That gives you a reason to go after your goals

We will Help You in Goal Setting

First step in turing the invisible into visible

We will Help You Get Clarity and Certainty

About your goals

We will Help You Get Laser Focused

By providing ACCOUNTABILITY coaching sessions, 3 times per week.

We Offer One Stop Shop Coaching

Through our Partners

What Our Clients Are Saying

Screenshot testimonial

Don't wait. The longer you wait the worst things are going to get. Our Transformation Coaches are standing by.

Transformation Coaching gives you a different perspective. .. when you need it the most.

This is not therapy. .. Our Transformational Coach's will get you where you need to be. .. almost immediately.

Get your confidence back. .. from someone who has been in a similar situation before and came out victorious. .. Our Transformation Coach's are human beings. .. just like you.

Are you at your lowest right now? Rock bottom is a lonely, dark and dangerous place. You need to talk to one of our TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHES AS CRISIS COACHING is our expertise. We will get you back on track immediately.

Coach 1
Coach 2
Coach 4

The Team

One of these coaches will transform your life and help you achieve your goals!

Meet The Team

One of these coaches will transform your life and help you achieve your goals!

Coach 1
Coach 2
Coach 4

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